Cristina Scabbia blogs for ROCK HARD (English Version)

Lacuna Coil Milano, Italy

Lacuna Coil 2011-6Hello Greece!
Checking in from San Jose, California, where are performing tonight on Gigantour, with Volbeat, Motorhead and Megadeth.
It’s finally sunny out and I’m so glad we can hang up the heavy jackets for one day.
I guess the cold will be back soon, in few days, when we hit Denver!
This tour is going well, big venues, great bands, fantastic crews and we are having a blast performing a mixture of old songs and some of the new material from “Dark Adrenaline”. The different crowds drawn by the different bands on the bill are all reacting in a great way to our set…and that gets me pumped every night and ready to fight, on stage.
But touring is not always as easy as it seems.
Not only the constant traveling craziness, the airports, the jetlags that confuse me as to what day and time it is, but also being on a tour bus with another 11 (sometimes more) people and their habits.
The schedule is so damn crazy sometimes that I have no sleep in between gigs and I feel like a zombie wandering in an airport.
Being always far from my loved ones makes me feel homesick very often, but that’s the path I chose and I feel blessed that I made a job out of my biggest passion, but man, it’s not easy, let me tell you.
I have to say that Lacuna coil is very well organized.
In all these years we learned that a tour bus is a real moving house that NEEDS some comfort pieces.
First things first: an electric moka machine (the rule is that each one of us has to pack some Italian coffee in the bag before we even leave our homes, before a tour), a barbecue and a panini grill (ask the various crew who enjoyed our barbecues/grills with final touch of moka coffee!), extra virgin olive oil (Italians, aye?).
This makes us feel we have a little luxury on the road.
Forget hotels and swimming pools.
We are basically gipsies following the sun.
Only low point, and excuse me for my French, you can’t poo on the bus, cause the septic tank won’t “break it”. Think about us next time you’ll sit in your own toilet, cause we don’t see ours in months.
A bunk is each one’s little quiet zone at the end of the day and is the only place where you can have a sense of privacy. Go figure!
It’s amazing to see that every bunk reflects the personality of each person.
Criz sleeps in front of me, he’s the computer guy, all you can see is cables attached to the wall and hard drives on the mattress.
Maus is the meticulous one. I bet even the most disciplined military guy would not make a bed looking as good and stretched as his.
I didn’t get the chance to check Pizza’s bunk, cause he’s pretty much always in it.
I guess Marco and Andrea are the most balanced ones, ahah!
But he we go: my bunk is full of random stuff including an owl pillow, a tiger rug (fake, of course) and a little bison stuffed animal (Let alone clothes…I can’t believe I can even fit in there anymore).
I am convinced there’s a crazy 10 year old little boy in my womanly shaped body, eager to get out any moment.
My sheets need to be absolutely clean or I freak out.
Sometimes I go into housewife mode and clean up the interior of the bus spraying air deodorant and disinfectants and put everything back in its place.
That reminds me I have to make my bed now and put back to sleep owl, tiger and bison.
They’ll protect my bunk from visitors ’til tonight.
Love ‘n metal,